Friday, May 30, 2008

don't be a hard rock, when you really are a gem

total inspiration from the two style outs below. from the eyeliner on the CHANEL ad, to the ballz to the wall spike ring (made her think jewelry).

its good to be bad (again)

hate it or love it; i'll warhol the world

If you have a chance, check out the new issue of INTERVIEW magazine with Marc Jacobs as Andy Warhol on the cover. It has totally re-instated my love for warhol-ism. He was such a genius ahead of his own time, he had ZERO judgement for his ideas - no filterization. just plain amazing; kind of like rice pudding.

"hate it or love it, i'll warhol the world" -pharrell

enjoy some scans of the equally intricate and amazing Marc Jacobs [as Andy] below:



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