Friday, November 14, 2008

Subject: Turkey ain't gonna baste itself

From: verrrrra
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 12:36 PM
To: Laura; Elle
Cc: dainele

Ok, you 2 will appreciate this De and Vera-ism
One day we're on the train on the way to the Hamptons and we wanted alcohol but were afraid to ask the conductor if they served alcohol on the train because we didnt want to look like raging alcoholics. So both of us were saying to eachother, come on ask ask ask. So I said to De, come on now, turkey ain't gonna baste itself you know. Meaning, if you dont ask it isn't going to happen. hahaha
So of course De and I have to take this whole turkey ain't gonna baste itself thing to the absolute bitter end and so now we are thinking of ways for a turkey to actually baste itself. It would be so handy for Thanksgiving, don't you think?
So we came up with the retractable turkey leg baster. It is concealed under the turkey leg but conveniently comes out like a telescope so you can baste the turkey then neatly place the baster back under the leg after basting is complete. Because you do know, that unfortunately, the turkey will never be able to baste itself. It will always need help. Maybe this turkey will also come with a monacle.

office space

I have purchased a fake grin which I keep in my bag and use in the office. It really helps

feel good inc

the mixtape is underrated.
so is butch walker. go but his CD, thank me later.

maybe it's just me (live) *turn song off on playlist player below to view*

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