Tuesday, August 4, 2015

All These Blogs, So I Had to Start One

So it's been SIX years since I had an entry. Really? WTF was I doing that was SO interesting? Sorry can't answer that. Must've been good.

A warning I Won't be using "jump breaks" - gawd, I hate those. I never knew that they had a name. More like "the reason I stopped reading Perez Hilton".

I figure everybody else has a blog, I think I'm good with words..maybe a little witty -sometimes funny; but maybe that's my nar·cis·sism burning through the cracks. Burning bright like the sun. 

We've graduated from the days of "xanga" and "livejournal", and that other fake blog with a fake name where I talked shit about all the guys I used to date. We have grown; we have matured, we wear BLAZERS now...But I warn you, I was up all night googling, Drake memes. Insomnia does funny things to you.

Insomnia cures? My google browser is embarrassed for me.

Meanwhile, I just finished Gone Girl (the book was really better than the movie). I re-read the last several chapters three times. What a devastatingly *brilliant* mindfuck. Is it a tad bit psychotic that I get the angle; the worst brings out the best - so your worst is your best, even at a toxicity that could kill an elephant?!  It wasn't so clear in the movie, wasn't so spelled-out (literally, ha!) so intimately painful to watch run it's course. I wanted to discuss it so badly with someone who has also recently read. The whole "let my boyfriend watch the movie so then we'll be on the same page" thing really just didn't work.
 He asked me why I was "shape-shifting into a nerd, wanting to discuss books.." 
"It's called an intellectual.."
"Join a book club..."

So I started my blog instead.

#nowplaying:Fresh Blood [the eels]

Friday, January 16, 2009

you put my head in such a flurry, flurry

Thursday, January 15, 2009

when im home alone, i just cant help myself.

take me over, tie me under
the take over;
the breaks over.
over done, under taker
under cover

indecision maker.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

if you dont know now, im talkin about chi

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


i think i love feat cheese as much as lenore loves hugh jackman.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

new york, new york

after almost 24 hours commuting im back in NYC.
sick, or course. no asshole - not SARS; they make you go thru a quarantine scan at all of the airports where they scan you fro body temp and germs. i just have amean sinus infection.

this was an amazing experience,and i am thankful to have had it. i will never look at the chinese/korean the same again. thheir country was beautiful, cultural and i give them much respect (aka big ups) for striving through entire cities to work to make a home for their familes.

xie xie.

(this is where qingdao is)

L i have to go blow my nose 7

Thursday, November 27, 2008

dunzo on the bund

rest your seoul on this:
acrylic chair 4,000 bux.
*NOT SHOWN colored styrofoam children's chair 200 bux.
(i totally got in trouble for taking pix here)

my personal favorite, the 7 foot plastic spotted horse with lampshape hat.. best part - theres no place for a light bulb. genius.

youre a fucking ham, really?

ladies of the night prowl these streets.
i am beyond toasted, exhausted - and the hope for some rendezvous with an english lad is nowhere in sight - so, last night in shanghai - 7 on the bund.. anazing view of the city; which reminds me of ac on steroids - or that fake city in vegas. to each their own:

someone, somewhere - is thinking of me too.

shanghai from across the bund river, it was FREEZING outside.

i miss my flag.

L but we doo-ooh 7

homesick at spacecamp

happy thanksgiving!

simply shaingai:

this place has some of, no wait THE illest architecture i have evAR seen. ferreal.

i literally feel sick. my throat hurts and my body is done. 6 days straight with no more than 6 hours of sleep and 4 flights across china, i think ive reached my limit.
its been a long fucking journey. and i must say i am happy and excited to know that in 48 hours this will all be done and i will be sitting on my bed back in old shaolin island. i need bagels, i need starbucks, i need my friends.

sunrise in shanghai:

all the houses with blue roofs are government housing. the government provides everyone with a house - but no fixtures (ie TV, stove, refrigerator, etc.) there are no heating systems in south china either - the buildings are SO cold. they only started building places with heating systems built into the floor. right now the only place youre going to find heat is a rich dude's house or an office building/resty.

nobody in china has a washer or dryer - they are like non-exisistant -- this gives new meaning to "chinese laundry" - as farrr as the eye can see. best part is the air is so polluted that people wear face
maskes right/ but youre gon hang your clean laundry to hang in za dirty air.. oy?

ssh. no talking the elevator. especially businessman with briefcase and woman with long hair. simply not allowed!

it actually says "do not promote", i like no men with briefcases allowed better.

apartment turned showroom - the windchill in here is BRUTAL!

xintiandi (chin tea andi) square, where i bought a lucky jade butterfly tassle for leon the neon.


L NYC 7!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

guangdong mornings & shanghai nights

it's vera's birthday.
give her love-ish.

in guangdong they speak mandarin & cantonese, i cant keep up with all of this.. i thought i was cool because i could say thank you in chinese - this is overload for my brain! heres my view from the window of my hotel room on guangdong - and no this isnt just landscaping for the hotel - it is like this EVERYWHERE, its such a beautiful city:

it was sunny and 75 today, amazing. we had alot of driving and i swear my face was glued to the window everywhere we went - my camera was being tempermental again, so i dont have many pictures -- bleh. there was a beauty store downtown with mena survari (sp) plastered all over it, there were strawberries next to her head and they were selling fish out of a cart below the awning underneath her chin- it was a pictoral moment - too bad i didnt get to document it.

went to the "american grill" for lunch with a client, the ceasar dressing made me feel like i was going to boot (ha). i seriously thought i had food poisioning for a minute. or maybe it was the "cheeseburger".. ugh, dont ask dont tell, dont look. i got to give it to them though, they had ads up for an "original turkey dinner" and a big wooden indian statue in the lobby. E for effort. har.

my first chinese money!

its equal to like 10 bux i think...
edit:that dude looks like he needs to get laid, damn talk about a mug

guess what i bought!
HA.not telling.

im sleeping ON shanghai tonight, wish you were here ;)


L i have mints on my pillows and an empty bed in my room 7

the difference between 90 and 95

this ones for you MJ:

been sticking BLG in every phonebook in every hotel across asia..

oh, and i know you love my purple monster chains, this has become my power outfit!
its an 85% day!

boredom + camera + fancy mirror=

L my pet monster chain 7

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